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Graphic Designer Courses available.

Each Learning Upgrade account provides access to all of our courses on a smartphone, tablet, or web browser. Students take placement exams and start at their current learning level. At the end of each 60-lesson course, students must complete a cumulative test to earn a certificate. Teachers can track progress with detailed real-time reports that document student growth at the class, school and organization level.

Cloud Computing Course available.

Each Learning Upgrade account provides access to all of our courses on a smartphone, tablet, or web browser. Students take placement exams and start at their current learning level. At the end of each 60-lesson course, students must complete a cumulative test to earn a certificate. Teachers can track progress with detailed real-time reports that document student growth at the class, school and organization level.

Digital Marketing Courses available.

Each Learning Upgrade account provides access to all of our courses on a smartphone, tablet, or web browser. Students take placement exams and start at their current learning level. At the end of each 60-lesson course, students must complete a cumulative test to earn a certificate. Teachers can track progress with detailed real-time reports that document student growth at the class, school and organization level.

All development Courses available.

Each Learning Upgrade account provides access to all of our courses on a smartphone, tablet, or web browser. Students take placement exams and start at their current learning level. At the end of each 60-lesson course, students must complete a cumulative test to earn a certificate. Teachers can track progress with detailed real-time reports that document student growth at the class, school and organization level.

Latest News
Graphic Designer courses new updates

If you envision working in machine learning, front-end development, business management, or other growing career fields, you can make it happen with new and popular courses.

Digital Marketing courses new updates.

If you envision working in machine learning, front-end development, business management, or other growing career fields, you can make it happen with new and popular courses.

Website and App Development Courses new updates.

If you envision working in machine learning, front-end development, business management, or other growing career fields, you can make it happen with new and popular courses.

About Us

Welcome to RBC-institute

Educational institution is in common usage by which we call a school or college an institution. People working in offices refer to them as "our institution". There is a phenomenon in the society where such institutions are sometimes more gross and physical and at other times less physical and subtle.

An organisation is centrally administered through the authority above coming down through a hierarchy.

Skilled Instructors

Online Classes

International Certificate

Skilled Instructors

Online Classes

International Certificate

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Courses Categories


Popular Courses

Rs. 20,000

2024-02-14 05:00 Hrs Students

Rs. 50,000

Digital Marketing
2024-02-21 05:05 Hrs Students

Rs. 25,000

Graphic Designer
2024-02-22 04:00 Hrs Students


Expert Instructors

Rohit Kushwaha
Website Developer
Shivam Rajpoot
Digital Marketing Manager
Ankit Verma
Sales Head
Rahul Prajapati
SEO Expert


Our Students Say!

Rohit Kushwaha

I’ve achieved challenging career objectives, improved personal and professional relationships, and found greater balance in my life. Her techniques allow your strengths to be realized, your journey to be appreciated and a greater sense of purpose to be obtained.

Shivam Rajpoot

I was able to clearly articulate a future vision for myself and define my priorities to achieve greater work/life balance, which was having a significant impact on other aspects of my life.

Ankit Verma

My huge success! I was able to easily identify the areas I wanted to work on and incorporate strategies to feel empowered and move forward.

Rahul Prajapati

I’m at a loss for words as to how much you’ve impacted my life, my career and my relationships. You are so worthy of your weight in gold. You’ve given me confidence, clarity and tools.


Students Enrolled


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